Book Your Stay & Play Session
for children 0-5 years old
Child's entry fee of £9.50 includes 1 hot drink for an adult (barista style coffee, hot chocolate or tea from our selection).
Siblings fee of £5 is payable upon arrival at the counter.
Our address: 1609 Wimborne Road, Kinson, BH11 9AP
Free entry for 0-6 months babies
Loading days...
1 hr 30 min
9.50 British poundsLoading days...
1 hr 30 min
9.50 British poundsLoading days...
1 hr 30 min
9.50 British poundsLoading days...
1 hr 30 min
9.50 British poundsLoading days...
1 hr 30 min
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1 hr 30 min
Booking Terms and Conditions
By booking a play session at Cosy Village play cafe you are agree to the Terms and Conditions.
The entry price per child is payable on booking. Please note this is non-refundable.
Only children who are 5 years old and under may use the play equipment.
The maximum number of children we can have per session is 12.
Customers will not be admitted into the building until the allocated session time, and must vacate promptly when their allocated time ends.
Please remove shoes before entering the play area. Socks must be worn at all times. This applies to adults and children.
Children must be supervised by parents/carers whilst visiting Cosy Village Play Cafe at all time. Parents/carers are responsible for the behaviour and well-being of the child in their care.
Cosy Village will not be responsible or be held liable for any injuries resulting from rough play, poor behaviour or inappropriate use of toys, playhouse and structures.
We check our play equipment daily. Please report any damage to play equipment to staff immediately. This is to ensure we can continue to provide a safe play environment for our customers.
All damages to Cosy Village play cafe property, either accidental or deliberate must be reported to a member of staff.
No food, no drinks or chewing gum should be taken into the play area.
It is forbidden to smoke or vape within the play cafe.
Children who are unwell should not enter the play area or venue. Please inform a staff member if your child has been unwell/sick.
In the interest of Health and Safety please report any spillages or dropped food to staff to allow them to deal with it immediately.
For Health and Safety reason, only food purchased at Cosy Village Play Cafe may be consumed on the premises.
Children need to be supervised when using the toilet facilities.
Nappy changing and the use of potties should be conducted in the baby changing area in the toilets. Place nappies in the correct bins provided.
Never leave child on a changing table unattended, even for a second. Don't turn away, bend down or go to collect something you need.
Please report any concerns regarding the toilet facilities to a member of staff.